Changing Demographics Require Diversity — Karen Walker Johnson
Karen Walker Johnson — an expert in tackling healthcare disparities and a change catalyst, is a strong advocate for authenticity and has shown that throughout the course of her career. Karen has worked with vulnerable populations and has oftentimes been with voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
We are in conversation with Karen about how changing demographics require diversity. Her background makes her insights valuable.
Bringing about diverse perspectives out of a group means tackling the same idea from various angles. Great ideas often emerge when board discussions disrupt common thinking patterns — what effort do you think boards need to make in order to achieve these great ideas and how would you contribute to this?
“I think it is important for companies who want to compete and to win, be cognizant of the need to be able to understand and relate to their target market. Given the very real changing demographic, it is imperative that board composition be more diverse. Persons of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives contribute to rich discussion and ultimately decision making. It invokes innovation, forces crucial conversations, and can be disruptive in a positive way. As a black female who has worked in a variety of settings (law firm, hospital systems, health insurance companies) and served on varying non-profit boards in leadership and governance capacities, I believe that I can bring that needed diverse perspective.”
True, Karen. Thanks for sharing.